When Executive Order 13636, “Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity1,”
was released earlier this year, it called for the development of a
cybersecurity framework. The purpose, as
expected given the myriad of news articles covering critical infrastructure
cybersecurity, was to improve the cybersecurity posture of these organizations by
giving them a voluntary framework that enables them to identify, assess, and
manage cyber risk. Fortunately, the “Preliminary
Cybersecurity Framework2” is still in draft form, with the latest
round of development workshops just completed in Dallas, TX, because it seems
like the lessons that should have been learned by other similar frameworks have
not yet made their way into the current discussion.
briefly summarize, the draft framework3 is built around a core,
implementation tiers, and a profile. The
core has 5 major sections called functions.
These functions are Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and
Recover. Each of these functions has a
set of associated categories and subcategories.
Every line item also has a useful set of applicable references, to
include ISA 99.02.014, ISO/IEC 270015, COBIT6,
NIST SP 800-537, and Council on CyberSecurity (CCS) Top 20 Critical
Security Controls (CSC)8. The
tiers are a representation of the maturity of an organization’s risk practices
and include tiers 0 through 3: Tier 0 - Partial, Tier 1 - Risk Informed, Tier 2
- Repeatable, and Tier 3 – Adaptive. The
profile is a tier “grade” for each of the five functions. Organizations are
encouraged to develop an as-is profile and a target profile and use their risk
management process to move the risk in the direction of the target profile over
things that initially stuck out to me were the strengths of the document. It was developed with the intricacies of the
critical infrastructure sector in mind.
This includes the understanding that there is not an infinite amount of
funding for cybersecurity and that cybersecurity risk must be part of the
normal organizational risk management process.
The framework also stresses the importance of including senior
executives in decision making, to include them deciding on what is an appropriate
risk appetite for the organization. Lastly,
there is a good discussion regarding areas for improvement, although they seem
detached and not built on any existing portions of the framework.
the framework is laden with issues that have caused much of the cybersecurity
problems that already exist currently.
First, there is little discussion of “baking-in” security. Development of secure systems for critical
infrastructure is only briefly mentioned.
In fact, the feedback loop that is necessary in any framework to
facilitate new system development that includes taking the lessons learned from
implementation or security breaches is not emphasized. Additionally, the framework, in its current
form, is mostly based on implementation of the core, which largely repeats known
best practices. Although the core
represents a comprehensive listing of these business practices, there is a
significant gap in which the maturity of implementation of any best practice
can be determined. Implementers of this
framework will suffer immense challenges trying to determine how well they are
doing for any given core best practice. Fundamentally,
this framework is missing the point that proper cybersecurity is less about best
practices, and more about creating an environment where communication and
business processes within organizations and with other organizations, all with
well-educated and well-trained personnel, represent the most essential
improvements needed.
framework was unable to achieve a balanced discussion of it’s different
parts. While the document says the
framework is made of up the core, the tiers, and the profiles, the core is
where most of the emphasis has been placed.
While the core is useful information, determining an as-is risk state
and putting into effect a plan that moves an organization into the desired
to-be risk state using achievable intermediate risk states is much more
important over the long-run. There will
always be new threats, mitigations, and best practices. A mature process for managing risk ensures
that no matter how often those change, that the organization will be able to
adapt. Key to managing risk in
non-governmental organizations is money.
Senior executives talk in terms of dollars. This framework unfortunately does not. If the risk managers in the organization
cannot provide senior executives a breakdown of the likelihood and how much it
will cost the organization when a security incident happens and compare that
against the short and long term costs to put some mitigation in place (people,
training technology, process, etc.), they will not be funded. Critical infrastructure organizations are
profit-seeking and will not let their bottom line slip without a compelling business
case being presented.
last weakness of this document that I would like to highlight is the topic of
communication. Given the importance of
the critical infrastructure of this country, it is odd that threat intelligence
is not mentioned in this document. Cyber
risk management is not going to be effective unless there is some idea of who
is committing the cyber attacks against your organization and what their
tactics and techniques are. Although not
mentioned in this document, it is known that the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) is going to be the focal point for this threat intelligence. It is assumed that their role is going to be
to gather intelligence and distribute it to critical infrastructure
organizations, but there does not seem to be any mechanism in this framework to
support this type of data ingest (or acting on it); nor does there appear to be
any mechanism for these organizations to share their information with DHS. Lastly, given that the “critical
infrastructure” title is extremely broad and can encompass very different
organizations, providing very different services and using very different
systems, it would seem that DHS would have a challenging time handling all of
the inherent complexity, especially since this framework is voluntary in nature. Therefore, it will be incumbent upon these
organizations to partner with similar organizations throughout the country in
order to enhance their cybersecurity readiness in a more peer-to-peer format
that does not require significant resources from DHS.
What do you think of the framework? What improvements do you think need to be
4 ISA 99.02.01 (2009), Security for Industrial Automation and
Control Systems: Establishing an Industrial Automation and Control Systems
Security Program: http://webstore.ansi.org/RecordDetail.aspx?sku=ANSI%2FISA%2099.02.01-2009
5 ISO/IEC 27001, Information technology --Security techniques
--Information security management systems --Requirements: http://www.iso.org/iso/home/store/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=42103
6 Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology
(COBIT): http://www.isaca.org/COBIT/Pages/default.aspx
7 NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Revision 4, Security and
Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations: http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-53r4.pdf
8 Council on CyberSecurity (CCS) Top 20 Critical Security Controls
(CSC): http://www.counciloncybersecurity.org
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