
The following are fantastic resources for the want-to-be, aspiring, and accomplished Information Dominance Corps Sailor to visit daily.

Have training material or other links that should be on this page, let us know!

Training Material
Information Warfare Basic Course (IWBC)Information Warfare Basic Course (IWBC) CORE slides and Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) Modules.  This is the course that is taught to all new Information Warfare Officers (181X's)

IDC Community
IDC Self Synchronization Self-organized Enlisted and Commissioned Sailors spanning active and reserves IDC communities that disseminate news articles and information relating to the Information Dominance Corps
Information WarriorsForum dedicated to the discussion of matters relating to Information Warfare and the Information Dominance Corps
The Navy's Grade 36 BureaucratAn Information Warfare Officer authors a one-stop shop for all your questions related to house hunting, leave, FITREPs, EVALs, awards, and just about anything else the Navy bureaucracy can throw at you
Connecting the DotsAn Information Warfare Officer's blog on leadership, coaching and making time to ensure your people are successful
I Like The Cut Of His JibA retired Information Warfare Officer's blog on leadership, community announcements, and qualities of good Naval Officers
CHIPSThe Department of Navy's Information Technology Magazine
Beyond the IDC
JO Rules
Advice, tips, maxims and anecdotes for Junior Officers in the Navy.